

Curriculum vitae

Guest book




Dear Friends!

 You’re welcome to my web-page site. For me it is a great satisfaction give to you my very kind regards and in the same way I want to have a dialogue about questions that are completely of great interest for everybody, perhaps like this, we can help each other mutually to overcome, at least something like, the different obstacles in the life, and especially in everyday activities and also in problematic of everybody.

On my behalf, I’m ready to cooperate in all positive respects, such as answering your questions, of course if I know the reason, such as:

-        About all questions concerning travels around Russia and other countries of CIS, and also abroad,

-        To help you, at least something like, in questions relative to give information such as, where reserve and buy very cheap tickets (air, rail, bus), etc.,

-        To give information about Hotel Reservation in Russia and Abroad; tourist and excursion services in Moscow and other cities from Russia & CIS, etc.,

-        To interchange every type of information concerning public character, of course, if they will be available with me.

If you want to know any more respect to my person, please read my short Autobiography, and for entrepreneurs and businessmen I will so very grateful if you look throw my Curriculum Vitae, and write on my address, if you have some business propositions, job offers, etc. I will so very grateful if you will be very correct and serious.

I wish you the best that is only possible to wish in this life! I’m waiting for your news and messages!. See you soon!

 Sincerely yours,

 Mauricio Pantoja A.

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